~:: Just stuff ::~


First this. October – obviously, I guess.  Sometimes, I’m just moving through the house in the usual way when suddenly something strikes me as strange and wonderful. In this case, it was two things: the juxtaposition of the quiet dark of the house and the strange, dying light of the autumn day. Second was what is apparently a battle between two rainbow squid.


Then this. Chaz’ summer hair.  See?  I had this up on Flickr, all ready to go, but couldn’t work up the energy, or get my head above the genealogical sea, to post even this one significant thing.  My daughter is nuts.  We all know it.


This is an odd and fairly awful shot of a strange night sky. It was the night of the Closest Moon last June.  There is no moon in the shot, but I loved the way the light of it caught the edges of even the most ephemeral things.


And here is the moon.  I drove all over, trying to get a shot that would look Biggest. I ended up down at the pasture, shooting over the head of the tractor.  But I didn’t impress myself.  Actually we had a stranger moon a couple of nights ago – a sort of harvest orange moon, less than a quarter of it lit, and that on the bottom of the orb.  And it looked WAY larger than this moon, as though some hot-air balloon were rising just over the fields down the road.


A shot of mulberries. I wonder if that tree will survive my spring attack on the yard? I probably shot this with an eye to making a header out of it.  And that’s all.  Just four little shots, three in June, one in October.

I do realize that I’m not actually talking about anything in these posts. But I’m not sure what I really want to talk about these days, short of family and love and small, domestic things. The big world out there seems reeling, and I don’t like talking about it.  But squid  and blue hair and moons and mulberries – those I can talk about.

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